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 Philly - Rentré

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2 participants

Messages : 1517
Date d'inscription : 14/06/2021

Philly - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Philly - Rentré   Philly - Rentré Icon_minitimeMar 14 Juin - 8:56

Jaccob Slavin
Thomas Hertl
John LeClair
Andreas Johnsson
Chris Kreider
Jonathan Marchessault
Zachary L'Heureux
Ivan Zhygalov


Philly - Rentré Ott1010

Aigles: 12 Bean tres belle gestion a tout les niveaux
Ré: 9. Bean Pour vrai, un bon DG
Ré: 2. Bean se démarque par des transactions calculées et réfléchies. il possède une gestion hors pair.

Philly - Rentré Coupe_11  Philly - Rentré 2026-211
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Messages : 32688
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2018
Age : 82
Localisation : Géolocalisation en cours ...

Philly - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Philly - Rentré   Philly - Rentré Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Juin - 21:03

Ivan Zhigalov PHI G Droitier 23 850 000 1 40 85 86 85 87 85 85 86 85 91 85 69 70 85 85 82 Arrow 1.2M/1 an

Chris Kreider agrees on a contract.
Chris Kreider has signed a $2 000 000 per year, 1 year deal with the Philadelphia Flyers. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Tomas Hertl agrees on a contract.
Tomas Hertl has signed a $3 000 000 per year, 2 year deal with the Philadelphia Flyers. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Jaccob Slavin rejects contract offer.
Jaccob Slavin rejected the $3 250 000 per year, 3 year offer from Philadelphia Flyers
Jaccob Slavin agrees on a contract.
Jaccob Slavin has signed a $3 000 000 per year, 2 year deal with the Philadelphia Flyers. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Andreas Johnsson agrees on a contract.
Andreas Johnsson has signed a $2 000 000 per year, 2 year deal with the Philadelphia Flyers. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Zachary L'Heureux rejects contract offer.
Zachary L'Heureux rejected the $2 000 000 per year, 3 year offer from Philadelphia Flyers
Zachary L'Heureux rejects contract offer.
Zachary L'Heureux rejected the $2 300 000 per year, 4 year offer from Philadelphia Flyers
Zachary L'Heureux rejects contract offer.
Zachary L'Heureux rejected the $2 300 000 per year, 3 year offer from Philadelphia Flyers
Zachary L'Heureux rejects contract offer.
Zachary L'Heureux rejected the $2 500 000 per year, 4 year offer from Philadelphia Flyers
Zachary L'Heureux rejects contract offer.
Zachary L'Heureux rejected the $2 600 000 per year, 4 year offer from Philadelphia Flyers
Zachary L'Heureux rejects contract offer.
Zachary L'Heureux rejected the $2 600 000 per year, 3 year offer from Philadelphia Flyers
Zachary L'Heureux rejects contract offer.
Zachary L'Heureux rejected the $2 600 000 per year, 5 year offer from Philadelphia Flyers
Zachary L'Heureux rejects contract offer.
Zachary L'Heureux rejected the $2 750 000 per year, 4 year offer from Philadelphia Flyers
Zachary L'Heureux rejects contract offer.
Zachary L'Heureux rejected the $2 750 000 per year, 3 year offer from Philadelphia Flyers
Zachary L'Heureux rejects contract offer.
Zachary L'Heureux rejected the $3 000 000 per year, 2 year offer from Philadelphia Flyers
Zachary L'Heureux rejects contract offer.
Zachary L'Heureux rejected the $3 000 000 per year, 3 year offer from Philadelphia Flyers
Zachary L'Heureux agrees on a contract.
Zachary L'Heureux has signed a $3 000 000 per year, 4 year deal with the Philadelphia Flyers. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

John LeClair agrees on a contract.
John LeClair has signed a $4 500 000 per year, 2 year deal with the Philadelphia Flyers. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Jonathan Marchessault agrees on a contract.
Jonathan Marchessault has signed a $2 000 000 per year, 1 year deal with the Philadelphia Flyers. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.
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Messages : 32688
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2018
Age : 82
Localisation : Géolocalisation en cours ...

Philly - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Philly - Rentré   Philly - Rentré Icon_minitimeVen 17 Juin - 19:08

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Philly - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Philly - Rentré   Philly - Rentré Icon_minitime

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Philly - Rentré
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