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 Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré

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2 participants
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Messages : 9133
Date d'inscription : 09/02/2018
Age : 26
Localisation : Montréal

Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré   Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré Icon_minitimeVen 4 Aoû - 17:10

Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré 3082059484 à prolonger
Calle Rosen STL D - 30 650 000 1 33 62 68 66 83 83 73 73 66 86 50 65 67 65 79 72
Matt Grzelcyk STL D - 30 2 700 000 1 31 68 73 75 85 85 71 75 80 85 50 65 65 72 80 74
Tony DeAngelo STL D - 28 3 700 000 1 31 81 90 89 78 75 75 84 84 81 50 60 68 86 76 77
Jordan Eberle STL AD - 33 4 000 000 1 32 81 85 85 76 77 71 84 68 93 71 74 71 83 74 79
Elias Lindholm STL C AD 29 3 600 000 1 34 83 88 88 81 79 69 82 81 91 86 65 72 86 76 81
William Carrier STL AG - 29 1 000 000 1 33 69 57 57 80 76 83 73 65 68 62 68 73 61 79 71
Jakub Vrana STL AG AD 27 1 900 000 1 36 87 82 80 74 74 69 83 78 90 60 65 70 83 72 77

Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré 3082059484 à vérifier 
Josh Anderson STL AD AG 29 1 500 000 1 48 81 70 70 77 73 77 84 72 74 64 67 77 73 75 75

Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré 972615704 à prolonger 
Nicolas Meloche Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré 2238971325 D - 26 650 000 1 39 32 29 40 64 64 68 53 58 67 50 65 68 33 65 59
Scott Perunovich Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré 2238971325 D - 25 650 000 1 40 54 59 60 70 70 64 71 75 75 50 65 63 57 68 67
Alexei Toropchenko * Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré 2238971325 C AD 24 900 000 1 47 73 64 64 75 73 76 71 71 80 49 65 60 67 74 70

Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré 3082059484 Libre comme l'air 
Chris Tanev STL D/- 34 1700000 1   35 57 63 59 85 85 71 65 69 83 50 73 80 59 80 72 
Nino Niederreiter STL AG/AD 31 2900000 1   60 81 72 72 74 70 76 69 77 80 61 70 76 75 73 74

Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré Tzolzo10
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Messages : 32691
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2018
Age : 82
Localisation : Géolocalisation en cours ...

Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré   Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Aoû - 1:11

Jordan Eberle agrees on a contract.
Jordan Eberle has signed a $3 000 000 per year, 2 year deal with the St. Louis Blues. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Matt Grzelcyk agrees on a contract.
Matt Grzelcyk has signed a $1 700 000 per year, 4 year deal with the St. Louis Blues. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Jakub Vrana agrees on a contract.
Jakub Vrana has signed a $2 500 000 per year, 3 year deal with the St. Louis Blues. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Tony DeAngelo agrees on a contract.
Tony DeAngelo has signed a $2 750 000 per year, 6 year deal with the St. Louis Blues. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

William Carrier agrees on a contract.
William Carrier has signed a $1 000 000 per year, 4 à 6 year deal with the St. Louis Blues. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Elias Lindholm agrees on a contract.
Elias Lindholm has signed a $5 000 000 per year, 6 year deal with the St. Louis Blues. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Josh Anderson agrees on a contract.
Josh Anderson has signed a $1 700 000 per year, 3 à 6 year deal with the St. Louis Blues. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Calle Rosen agrees on a contract.
Calle Rosen has signed a $1 600 000 per year, 2 à 6 year deal with the St. Louis Blues. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.
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Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Messages : 9133
Date d'inscription : 09/02/2018
Age : 26
Localisation : Montréal

Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré   Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré Icon_minitimeDim 13 Aoû - 13:49

Good pour tous 
Carrier 6 ans 
Anderson 6 ans 
Rosen 2 ans 

Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré 972615704 

Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré Tzolzo10

Vincewong_VAN aime ce message

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Messages : 32691
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2018
Age : 82
Localisation : Géolocalisation en cours ...

Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré   Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré Icon_minitimeVen 18 Aoû - 15:19

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MessageSujet: Re: Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré   Blues Rock pas pentoute - Rentré Icon_minitime

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