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 Arizona - Rentré

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2 participants
» J H # 2 .
» J H # 2 .

Messages : 992
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2022

Arizona - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Arizona - Rentré   Arizona - Rentré Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Nov - 13:17

Jaret Anderson-Dolan ARI AG/C 27 750000 1   36 75 69 70 79 79 71 75 87 76 77 67 66 71 76 75 
Barrett Hayton ARI C/AG 26 2000000 1   36 80 83 82 78 75 74 78 79 84 84 66 68 81 75 78 
Alexander Kerfoot ARI C/AG 32 2600000 1   32 72 79 77 77 79 66 75 80 81 74 75 66 76 74 76 
Xavier Bourgault ARI AD/C 24 3000000 1   40 83 82 81 77 77 73 81 91 94 78 68 68 82 75 80 
Alexander Zetterberg ARI AD/AG 20 850000 1   72 88 78 78 79 82 74 82 90 80 70 65 70 81 78 78 
Aron Kiviharju ARI D/- 20 850000 1   41 68 80 72 82 82 62 82 98 80 69 65 72 73 75 77 
Juuso Valimaki ARI D/- 28 1000000 1   32 68 74 69 82 78 82 84 75 77 50 67 66 70 80 75 
Sean Durzi ARI D/- 28 950000 1   32 67 81 79 75 78 71 71 83 80 50 65 64 75 74 73

Arizona - Rentré Torm10
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Messages : 760
Date d'inscription : 29/04/2018

Arizona - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Arizona - Rentré   Arizona - Rentré Icon_minitimeVen 10 Nov - 0:11

Aron Kiviharju has signed a $1 700 000 per year, 3 year deal with the Arizona Coyotes. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Juuso Valimaki has signed a $2 300 000 per year, 3 year deal with the Arizona Coyotes. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Jaret Anderson-Dolan has signed a $1 900 000 per year, 3 year deal with the Arizona Coyotes. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Xavier Bourgault has signed a $3 250 000 per year, 1 year deal with the Arizona Coyotes. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Alexander Zetterberg has signed a $2 500 000 per year, 4 year deal with the Arizona Coyotes. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Barrett Hayton has signed a $3 250 000 per year, 3 year deal with the Arizona Coyotes. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Sean Durzi has signed a $1 700 000 per year, 3 year deal with the Arizona Coyotes. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Alexander Kerfoot has signed a $1 800 000 per year, 2 year deal with the Arizona Coyotes. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.
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Messages : 760
Date d'inscription : 29/04/2018

Arizona - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Arizona - Rentré   Arizona - Rentré Icon_minitimeSam 11 Nov - 17:44

Apres discussion avec Vince, voici le nouveau contrat de Zetterberg & Kiviharju

Aron Kiviharju has signed a $2 000 000 per year, 4 year deal with the Arizona Coyotes. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Alexander Zetterberg has signed a $2 750 000 per year, 4 year deal with the Arizona Coyotes. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced
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» J H # 2 .
» J H # 2 .

Messages : 992
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2022

Arizona - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Arizona - Rentré   Arizona - Rentré Icon_minitimeSam 11 Nov - 17:46

All good pour nous

Arizona - Rentré Torm10
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Messages : 760
Date d'inscription : 29/04/2018

Arizona - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Arizona - Rentré   Arizona - Rentré Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Nov - 1:36

Contrats Rentrer
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Arizona - Rentré Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Arizona - Rentré   Arizona - Rentré Icon_minitime

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Arizona - Rentré
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» Arizona Coyotes - Rentré

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